hpb59-1 compound brass

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Microstructure Analysis of HPb59-1 Brass Induced by High

201681 · In this paper, the effects of high current pulsed electron beam (HCPEB) on the microstructure evolution of casting HPb59-1 (Cu 57.1 mass%, Pb 1.7 mass% and Zn

: Jike Lyu, Bo Gao, Liang Hu, Shuaidan Lu, Ganfeng Tu

(PDF) Microstructure Analysis of HPb59-1 Brass Induced

2015918 · In this paper, the effects of high current pulsed electron beam (HCPEB) on the microstructure evolution of casting HPb59-1 (Cu 57.1 mass%, Pb 1.7 mass% and Zn


Hpb59-1 Lead Brass - Alloy Wiki